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A MovePackage is a kind of Move object that represents code that has been published on chain. It exposes information about its modules, type definitions, functions, and dependencies.

type MovePackage implements IObject, IOwner {
address: SuiAddress!
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
filter: ObjectFilter
): MoveObjectConnection!
type: String
): Balance
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): BalanceConnection!
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
type: String
): CoinConnection!
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): StakedSuiConnection!
format: DomainFormat
): String
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): SuinsRegistrationConnection!
version: UInt53!
status: ObjectKind!
digest: String
owner: ObjectOwner
previousTransactionBlock: TransactionBlock
storageRebate: BigInt
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
filter: TransactionBlockFilter
scanLimit: Int
): TransactionBlockConnection!
bcs: Base64
version: Int!
): MovePackage
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
filter: MovePackageVersionFilter
): MovePackageConnection!
latestPackage: MovePackage!
name: String!
): MoveModule
first: Int
after: String
last: Int
before: String
): MoveModuleConnection
linkage: [Linkage!]
typeOrigins: [TypeOrigin!]
packageBcs: Base64
moduleBcs: Base64


MovePackage.address ● SuiAddress! non-null scalar

MovePackage.objects ● MoveObjectConnection! non-null object

Objects owned by this package, optionally filter-ed.

Note that objects owned by a package are inaccessible, because packages are immutable and cannot be owned by an address.

MovePackage.objects.first ● Int scalar
MovePackage.objects.after ● String scalar
MovePackage.objects.last ● Int scalar
MovePackage.objects.before ● String scalar
MovePackage.objects.filter ● ObjectFilter input

MovePackage.balance ● Balance object

Total balance of all coins with marker type owned by this package. If type is not supplied, it defaults to 0x2::sui::SUI.

Note that coins owned by a package are inaccessible, because packages are immutable and cannot be owned by an address.

MovePackage.balance.type ● String scalar

MovePackage.balances ● BalanceConnection! non-null object

The balances of all coin types owned by this package.

Note that coins owned by a package are inaccessible, because packages are immutable and cannot be owned by an address.

MovePackage.balances.first ● Int scalar
MovePackage.balances.after ● String scalar
MovePackage.balances.last ● Int scalar
MovePackage.balances.before ● String scalar

MovePackage.coins ● CoinConnection! non-null object

The coin objects owned by this package.

type is a filter on the coin's type parameter, defaulting to 0x2::sui::SUI.

Note that coins owned by a package are inaccessible, because packages are immutable and cannot be owned by an address.

MovePackage.coins.first ● Int scalar
MovePackage.coins.after ● String scalar
MovePackage.coins.last ● Int scalar
MovePackage.coins.before ● String scalar
MovePackage.coins.type ● String scalar

MovePackage.stakedSuis ● StakedSuiConnection! non-null object

The 0x3::staking_pool::StakedSui objects owned by this package.

Note that objects owned by a package are inaccessible, because packages are immutable and cannot be owned by an address.

MovePackage.stakedSuis.first ● Int scalar
MovePackage.stakedSuis.after ● String scalar
MovePackage.stakedSuis.last ● Int scalar
MovePackage.stakedSuis.before ● String scalar

MovePackage.defaultSuinsName ● String scalar

The domain explicitly configured as the default domain pointing to this object.

MovePackage.defaultSuinsName.format ● DomainFormat enum

MovePackage.suinsRegistrations ● SuinsRegistrationConnection! non-null object

The SuinsRegistration NFTs owned by this package. These grant the owner the capability to manage the associated domain.

Note that objects owned by a package are inaccessible, because packages are immutable and cannot be owned by an address.

MovePackage.suinsRegistrations.first ● Int scalar
MovePackage.suinsRegistrations.after ● String scalar
MovePackage.suinsRegistrations.last ● Int scalar
MovePackage.suinsRegistrations.before ● String scalar

MovePackage.version ● UInt53! non-null scalar

MovePackage.status ● ObjectKind! non-null enum

The current status of the object as read from the off-chain store. The possible states are: NOT_INDEXED, the object is loaded from serialized data, such as the contents of a genesis or system package upgrade transaction. LIVE, the version returned is the most recent for the object, and it is not deleted or wrapped at that version. HISTORICAL, the object was referenced at a specific version or checkpoint, so is fetched from historical tables and may not be the latest version of the object. WRAPPED_OR_DELETED, the object is deleted or wrapped and only partial information can be loaded."

MovePackage.digest ● String scalar

32-byte hash that identifies the package's contents, encoded as a Base58 string.

MovePackage.owner ● ObjectOwner union

The owner type of this object: Immutable, Shared, Parent, Address Packages are always Immutable.

MovePackage.previousTransactionBlock ● TransactionBlock object

The transaction block that published or upgraded this package.

MovePackage.storageRebate ● BigInt scalar

The amount of SUI we would rebate if this object gets deleted or mutated. This number is recalculated based on the present storage gas price.

Note that packages cannot be deleted or mutated, so this number is provided purely for reference.

MovePackage.receivedTransactionBlocks ● TransactionBlockConnection! non-null object

The transaction blocks that sent objects to this package.

Note that objects that have been sent to a package become inaccessible.

scanLimit restricts the number of candidate transactions scanned when gathering a page of results. It is required for queries that apply more than two complex filters (on function, kind, sender, recipient, input object, changed object, or ids), and can be at most serviceConfig.maxScanLimit.

When the scan limit is reached the page will be returned even if it has fewer than first results when paginating forward (last when paginating backwards). If there are more transactions to scan, pageInfo.hasNextPage (or pageInfo.hasPreviousPage) will be set to true, and PageInfo.endCursor (or PageInfo.startCursor) will be set to the last transaction that was scanned as opposed to the last (or first) transaction in the page.

Requesting the next (or previous) page after this cursor will resume the search, scanning the next scanLimit many transactions in the direction of pagination, and so on until all transactions in the scanning range have been visited.

By default, the scanning range includes all transactions known to GraphQL, but it can be restricted by the after and before cursors, and the beforeCheckpoint, afterCheckpoint and atCheckpoint filters.

MovePackage.receivedTransactionBlocks.first ● Int scalar
MovePackage.receivedTransactionBlocks.after ● String scalar
MovePackage.receivedTransactionBlocks.last ● Int scalar
MovePackage.receivedTransactionBlocks.before ● String scalar
MovePackage.receivedTransactionBlocks.filter ● TransactionBlockFilter input
MovePackage.receivedTransactionBlocks.scanLimit ● Int scalar

MovePackage.bcs ● Base64 scalar

The Base64-encoded BCS serialization of the package's content.

MovePackage.packageAtVersion ● MovePackage object

Fetch another version of this package (the package that shares this package's original ID, but has the specified version).

MovePackage.packageAtVersion.version ● Int! non-null scalar

MovePackage.packageVersions ● MovePackageConnection! non-null object

Fetch all versions of this package (packages that share this package's original ID), optionally bounding the versions exclusively from below with afterVersion, or from above with beforeVersion.

MovePackage.packageVersions.first ● Int scalar
MovePackage.packageVersions.after ● String scalar
MovePackage.packageVersions.last ● Int scalar
MovePackage.packageVersions.before ● String scalar
MovePackage.packageVersions.filter ● MovePackageVersionFilter input

MovePackage.latestPackage ● MovePackage! non-null object

Fetch the latest version of this package (the package with the highest version that shares this packages's original ID)

MovePackage.module ● MoveModule object

A representation of the module called name in this package, including the structs and functions it defines. ● String! non-null scalar

MovePackage.modules ● MoveModuleConnection object

Paginate through the MoveModules defined in this package.

MovePackage.modules.first ● Int scalar
MovePackage.modules.after ● String scalar
MovePackage.modules.last ● Int scalar
MovePackage.modules.before ● String scalar

MovePackage.linkage ● [Linkage!] list object

The transitive dependencies of this package.

MovePackage.typeOrigins ● [TypeOrigin!] list object

The (previous) versions of this package that introduced its types.

MovePackage.packageBcs ● Base64 scalar

BCS representation of the package itself, as a MovePackage.

MovePackage.moduleBcs ● Base64 scalar

BCS representation of the package's modules. Modules appear as a sequence of pairs (module name, followed by module bytes), in alphabetic order by module name.


IObject interface

Interface implemented by on-chain values that are addressable by an ID (also referred to as its address). This includes Move objects and packages.

IOwner interface

Interface implemented by GraphQL types representing entities that can own objects. Object owners are identified by an address which can represent either the public key of an account or another object. The same address can only refer to an account or an object, never both, but it is not possible to know which up-front.

Returned By

latestPackage query ● package query ● packageByName query

Member Of

MoveModule object ● MovePackage object ● MovePackageConnection object ● MovePackageEdge object ● Object object